Normanby Hall and Wilderspin

On Tuesday 5th November-Bonfire Night- 6M and 6B went on an awesome trip to Normanby Hall and Wilderspin School, because we are learning about Victorians. Can I tell you all about it?

It started with a long, boring bus ride to Normanby hall (that is where the fun begins.) We were introduced by Mrs Turner who works there. We got into our groups-I was in Mrs Fosters group-and listened carefully to what we are learning. After, we opened our orange, rough envelope and discovered; a picture of a person, some houses and clues. We read the first mysterious clue. It said to go into the museum, which was freezing, and find the objects, therefore we set off to find the objects. We finished, so we left Normanby Hall, it was Wilderspin next.

After that, a long ride to Wilderspin begun… we had a lovely lunch with cake, sandwiches and crisps. Then we went for a play on the Victorian swing, which is a big pole and 4 ropes which spin round and round and you fly like a motionless man, however they were more fun games like cup ball, skipping and HOOPLA. Then the bell rang… the moment I dreaded had begun.

Next, we dressed up as Victorians and lined up behind the classroom. The strict teacher pointed to us and went “Boys follow me.” In a stern strict voice. The lessons we had were amazing, however strict. We did slate writing which was very hard because it scratches on the slate. Have you done slate writing before? Drill was my favourite because it is like PE. Victorian lessons were strict, despite this, I enjoyed them.

We got on the bus back to Driffield. It’s been a good day, however I’m tired.

Ben M


One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Harvey Gowlett on October 18, 2014 at 8:49 am

    The swing looks epic I wonder why 6FS didn’t get to go on the swing 😦


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