6M – Visit to Normanby Hall and Wilderspin

Check out these wonderful recounts of 6Ms visit to Normanby Hall and Wilderspin!

Back In Time

On a matt grey November day, a joyous class ,6M, journeyed on an epic expedition to travel back in time! Their singular aim was to go back to the Victorian era. Well, at 09:00 we clambered upon a white coach and ambled to the very back. I crouched beside some of my friends, who went by the name of Ollie, Jack and Ben. After a 40 minute drive we were rapidly approaching the corpulent Humber Bridge. However my mate Olli was as scared as a cornered Gazelle, ready to be pounced upon by a fearsome Lion, as he was scared of heights. Wouldn’t you be?

“ H..el..p” he stuttered whilst going over the elephantine bridge, Ollie made a series of unusual moans. After departing the bridge, we abruptly arrived at Normanby Hall.

As soon as the bus had ground to a halt, one quarter of the class eagerly arose and strolled towards the exit. In a short while, 6M had all vacated the coach, and began a meander to the building. Although we had arrived at the car park, it took us a 3 minute walk to be finally greeted by an old lady who exclaimed in a shrill voice that her name was Miss Turner. After a chat about health and safety, she explained theta Eliza Ashton was who we were researching. 45 minutes later we had successfully followed the clues and presented our findings, with a modelling master class by Owen. An abrupt goodbye later and we were back on the road.

Swiftly, we arrived at Wilderspin. A lady ushered us into a canteen. Ravenously, I began my lunch. I ate a delectable sandwich; a tasty Twix; a fruity orange and a handful of gorgeous grapes. She then brought us outside to be in awe of the awesome quadruple swing.  “Gulp” everyone said in unison. Hands were raised and people selected and we all had a go. But then we were truly left in awe. Mrs Mudd, Miss Booth, Miss Wallace and Mrs Leggate had a go! Sniggers erupted from the children. ‘Fortunately’ the teachers were fine. However some of the children will never be the same again!

Well, fun aside, we were all marched into the classroom. “Present Ma’am” everyone chorused. A vast speech later and we were all made to recite our 2 and 11 times tables. After successfully completing our times tables, we were all marched into a long hall. The teacher organised us into lines and hollered at us to follow her lead. We reluctantly followed her. She exclaimed “Drill, is what you now call physical education.” after simply following her about for a bit, she mooched us into the antiquated caravan. Singing “All Thing Bright and Beautiful” and completing some abnormal handwriting, we were told that the day was over. A firm handshake and a solemn goodbye and we were once more boarding the coach.

What a day. Wouldn’t you like to go their? Well, you can, visit www.normanbyhall.co.uk, and visit this astonishing place.

Matty P

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